Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to the student handbook for detailed information about our curriculum, educational philosophy, procedures, and daily routines.
What are the preschool hours?
The Fairmount Early Childhood Center follows the Beachwood City Schools calendar (August-May/June). Classes meet Monday through Friday OR Wednesday through Friday. School begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. or 3 p.m. depending on the specific class for which you registered.
How old does my child have to be to attend?
Children need to be either 3 or 4 years of age by September 30th and children MUST be toilet trained. Children need to be 5 years old by December 31st to qualify for the Young 5’s class.
Do I need to live in Beachwood to send my child to your preschool?
No. We accept both resident and non-resident students in our program.
What are the different class options?
- Half-day or All-day preschool three-year-old classes
- Half-day or All-day Pre-Kindergarten four-year-old classes
- All-day Young 5’s class
- Half-day Non-Categorical Morning Preschool class (9:00-11:30 a.m.)
How many children are in a classroom?
The three-year-old class has one certificated teacher and one educational assistant with up to 16 children in the class. The four/five-year-old class has one certificated teacher and one educational assistant with 18-20 children in the class. The Non-Categorical Preschool class has one Intervention Specialist, 1-2 special education assistants and up to 16 students in the class.
How much does the preschool cost?
Please see our online fee schedule.
When is registration and how am I billed?
Registration for the preschool is in January. Residents have the opportunity to register their child first and non-resident registration follows three weeks later. A $200 non-refundable deposit is required at registration which is applied toward the yearly tuition. Statements will be emailed to you monthly. Payments are spread out over a 9-month period. The total monthly fee is due by the 5th of each month. We accept either cash or credit cards. Tuition is paid through an Infinite Campus Parent Portal that is set up once children are registered.
Do you have before and after-school care?
Before and after-care will be provided through Apollo After School. The program is run in a classroom at Fairmount Early Childhood Center.
Does Beachwood provide transportation for my child?
No. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide bus transportation. Parents are responsible for dropping off and picking up their child(ren).
Is lunch provided?
Families will need to pack lunch for your child. A snack is provided for each student daily along with a milk at lunch time.
Does the preschool go on field trips?
Yes, we go on one or two field trips per school year. We also have “in-house field trips” when special enrichment assemblies and programs are brought into the school.
Will I get to meet with my child’s teacher to discuss his/her progress?
Yes, there are two formal conferences a year (fall and spring) to discuss your child’s growth and development. Teachers are available through email and phone calls as needed to discuss children as well throughout the year.
Will my child be prepared for kindergarten? What is the curriculum? Are any specials offered?
At Fairmount Early Childhood Center we offer an experiential, project-based curriculum. Projects provide content for practicing new skills and concepts. Each area of study is based upon developmentally appropriate practices and the Ohio Preschool Content Standards. We follow The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. Our curriculum has been developed to organize children’s learning experiences in ways that help them develop optimally in the four general areas: cognitively, socially, physically and emotionally. Our approach is interdisciplinary, allowing students to make meaningful connections between content areas while promoting school readiness and preparedness for our outstanding kindergarten program. Many enrichment opportunities are also afforded including weekly classes in art, character education, music and library.
Can you give me an example of the daily schedule?
The daily schedule includes a morning meeting (e.g. discussions include the calendar, weather, daily plans, sharing), table top instructional toys, centers time, stories, finger plays, songs, books, dancing, specials that may include (library, art & music), outdoor/gym time, free choice, snack and lunch.
What can you tell me about the extended day program?
Apollo After School information can be found on their website: They can also be reached by calling 855-KIDS-ASP.